Public Art Selection Panel

Rebecca DiDomenico’s Constellatory, part of “Experiments in Public Art”

In 2016, the City of Boulder began implementing the Community Cultural Plan, which includes a call-to-action from residents for the agencies of city government to focus on six Community Priorities for Culture. One of those Priorities informs the public art program:

Focus on the expression of culture and creativity in the public realm through public art, the urban landscape, culture in the neighborhoods, and serendipitous encounters with the arts.

The city-wide public art program will accomplish this through a sophisticated process, the goal of which is that:

Many individuals, businesses, organizations, and developers will be encouraged to invest in improvements to public spaces through the addition of meaningful, innovative, and quality works of art. The municipal investment in public art will be a model, using a system of publicly transparent, sustainable, and innovative practices to commission artworks of enduring cultural value.

Resources for Selection Panel Members:

Public Art Policy

2017 Public Art Implementation Plan

Selection Panel Confidentiality Form

Call for Entry Juror Guide

Project-specific Resources for Selection Panel Members:

Civic Area

Arapahoe Underpass

Experiments in Public Art

University Hill

North Boulder