Public Art

The public art program and its guiding policy commission a wide variety of artworks representing the most innovative approaches to contemporary practice in the arts, works of enduring value, and a diversity of artists and arts experiences within the city of Boulder.

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Get Involved

  • Let your voice be heard! We want your input on public art. Fill out this form and email it to
  • Interested in serving on a public art selection panel? Every public art project is determined through a unique selection panel of community members. We’re looking for artists, arts professionals, and all-around community members interested in helping select artists for upcoming public art projects – like the murals featured in the Boulder Public Library Restrooms for All. Email us at with any questions, or if you’d like to join the roster of folks for a selection panel, email a one page letter of interest and resume.
  • Become a public art steward! Email if you see artwork that is damaged or vandalized so we can conserve it.
  • Sign up for the newsletter and stay updated with more ways to get involved.