2023 Grant Program

In 2023, $925,000 in grant funds will be distributed to the community, with new applications open for community projects, arts education projects, professional development scholarships, grant writing support, and more. Grants are available for organizations, individuals, and classrooms. Review the 2023 funding structure here. // En 2023, se distribuirán $925,000 en fondos de subvenciones a la comunidad, con solicitudes de subvenciones abiertas para proyectos comunitarios, proyectos de educación artística, becas de desarrollo profesional, apoyo en la redacción de subvenciones y más. Las subvenciones están disponibles para organizaciones, individuos y aulas. Revise la estructura de financiación de 2023 aquí.

Log in

Log on to the Boulder Arts Commission online system to apply for grants, submit a report, review open applications, and more. // Inicie sesión en el sistema en línea de la Comisión de Artes de Boulder para solicitar.

2023 Boulder Arts Commission Cultural Grants Info Session

Watch a recording of an Info Session here.

Mira una grabación aquí. Si quiere escuchar en español, hay un icono de un globo terráqueo en la parte inferior de la pantalla. Haga clic y escoja ‘Spanish’.

Artist Hiring Incentive Grants

Artist Hiring Incentive Grants: Respond to industry-specific, COVID-related workforce impacts through targeted grants to Boulder-based organizations. This grant is a hiring incentive for nonprofits to employ Boulder-based visual, performing, and literary artists to perform, or create new work. // Becas de incentivo para la contratación de artistas. Para responder a los impactos en la fuerza laboral relacionados con COVID y específicos de la industria a través de subvenciones específicas para organizaciones con sede en Boulder. Esta subvención es un incentivo de contratación para que las organizaciones sin fines de lucro empleen artistas visuales, literarios y de interpretación del área de Boulder para actuar o crear nuevos trabajos. Esta subvención está financiada a través de la Ley del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense (ARPA). Tres plazos; ver sitio web para más detalles.

Arts Education Project Grants

Arts Education Project Grants: Increase exposure of students to unique experiences that may shape their future in cultural participation and creative careers. // Subvención para proyectos de educación artística: Aumente la exposición de los estudiantes a experiencias únicas que pueden moldear su futuro en la participación cultural y las carreras creativas.

Community Project Grants

Community Project Grants: Encourage innovation and exploration in order to achieve progress on these Community Priorities from Boulder’s Community Cultural Plan. //Subvención para proyectos comunitarios: Fomentar la innovación y la exploración para lograr avances en estas prioridades comunitarias del Boulder’s Community Cultural Plan.

Cultural Field Trip Fund

Cultural Field Trip Fund: Funding for children who attend a Title 1 school to visit Boulder’s arts institutions and cultural destinations. // Fondo de excursiones culturales: fondos para niños que asisten a una escuela de Título 1 para visitar las instituciones de arte y los destinos culturales de Boulder.

Grant Writing Assistance

The Grant Writing Fund provides opportunities for first-time applicants and those who have not received a grant through the Boulder Arts Commission to get grant writing assistance. // El Fondo de escritura de subvenciones brinda oportunidades para que los solicitantes por primera vez y aquellos que no han recibido una subvención a través de la Comisión de Artes de Boulder obtengan ayuda para la redacción de subvenciones.


Leadership Pipeline Fund Scholarship: Provides financial support and professional development opportunities for emerging leaders who will focus their career in the arts on increasing diversity, improving equity, and elevating the voices of historically underrepresented groups in the arts and culture sector. // Beca Leadership Pipeline Fund: Brinda apoyo financiero y oportunidades de desarrollo profesional para líderes emergentes que centrarán su carrera en las artes en aumentar la diversidad, mejorar la equidad y elevar las voces de grupos históricamente subrepresentados en el sector de las artes y la cultura.

Professional Development Scholarships: Encouraging leadership and the sharing of good practices through professional development will advance our creative economy, support professionals and businesses, and enhance cultural dialog. // Becas de desarrollo profesional: Apoyar el liderazgo y el intercambio de buenas prácticas a través del desarrollo profesional.

Venue and Online Event Affordability Funds

Venue and Online Event Affordability Fund (formerly Rental Assistance Grants): To facilitate and assist community cultural groups with access and affordability of performance venues and hosting online programming, the Boulder Arts Commission is offering support in the form of rental assistance, the purchase of Personal Protective Equipment and/or COVID 19 testing, and/or equipment for hosting online programming, such as video software, cameras, or tech support. // Fondo de asequibilidad para eventos en línea y lugares (antes subvenciones de asistencia de alquiler): para facilitar y ayudar a los grupos culturales comunitarios con el acceso y la asequibilidad de los lugares de actuación y la programación en línea de alojamiento, la Comisión de Artes de Boulder ofrece apoyo en forma de asistencia para el alquiler, la compra de personal Equipo de protección y / o pruebas COVID 19, y / o equipo para albergar programación en línea, como software de video, cámaras o soporte técnico.

Macky Auditorium Fee Waiver: 16 rent-free days to facilitate and assist cultural groups performing at Macky. For supplementary funds to support your event, apply for the 2022 Venue and Online Event Affordability Fund. // Alquiler gratuito del auditorio de Macky: 16 días de alquiler gratuito para facilitar y ayudar a los grupos culturales que actúan en Macky. Para obtener fondos complementarios para apoyar su evento, solicite el Venue and Online Event Affordability Fund de 2022.

eTown Hall Fee Waiver: To facilitate and assist community cultural groups with access and affordability of performance venues, the Boulder Arts Commission and eTown offer up to 12 days per calendar year of rent-free space at eTown Hall. // Alquiler gratuito del auditorio de eTown: Para facilitar y ayudar a los grupos culturales comunitarios con el acceso y la asequibilidad de los lugares de actuación, la Comisión de Artes de Boulder y eTown ofrecen hasta 12 días por año calendario de espacio gratuito en eTown Hall. 

Operating Grants

General Operating Grants are not available for application in 2023. // Subvenciones de Funcionamiento General no están disponibles para su aplicación en 2023.

To bolster the sustainability of the community’s cultural organizations, a system of operating grants is a priority for the cultural grants program.  This system of institutional funding supports the Community Priorities and goals in the Community Cultural Plan. Operating Grants cover day-to-day activities or ongoing expenses such as administrative salaries, utilities, office supplies, technology maintenance, etc., as well as for project costs, technology purchases, and professional development. // Subvenciones de Funcionamiento General: para reforzar la sostenibilidad de las organizaciones culturales de la comunidad, un sistema de subvenciones operativas es una prioridad para el programa de subvenciones culturales. Este sistema de financiamiento institucional apoya las prioridades y metas de la comunidad en el Plan Cultural de la Comunidad. Las subvenciones operativas cubren las actividades diarias o los gastos continuos, como salarios administrativos, servicios públicos, suministros de oficina, mantenimiento de tecnología, etc., así como para los costos de proyectos, compras de tecnología y desarrollo profesional.


Grant report forms are on the Boulder Arts Commission grants software. Log in with the same user name and password utilized to submit the application. After logging in, go to the ‘Dashboard’, then you’ll see a ‘Follow Up’ section for the grant. On the far right is the ‘Edit’ button. That will take you to complete the final report.

After you submit the report you’ll receive email confirmation and copy of the report via the email that you have included in the report. Contact Lauren Click at clickl@bouldercolorado.gov if you do not receive email confirmation.

If you can’t complete a grant project on time, you must email a letter to the Boulder Arts Commission at culturegrants@bouldercolorado.gov to ask for an extension before the report due date. Send this email before the report due date with these details:

  • explanation for the delay;
  • timing for project completion (provide a specific date);
  • timing for project’s grant report submission (provide a specific date one month after finishing your project)
Staff will review your extension request email and provide a response. If a report extension is not approved, staff will notify you about how you could revise or add more information.

At the Boulder Arts Commission meeting on Wednesday, February 17, 2021, the Commission has asked that we refine the practices of reviewing extension requests during the pandemic. These steps are not meant to be punitive, but rather to ensure open and supportive communication between our grantees, the Office of Arts and Culture staff, and the Arts Commission. We hope you can complete your grant project on time, but if that is not possible because of the pandemic, we encourage you to reach out to staff and commissioners if you need help or advice.

  • Approvals of extension requests will be listed in Arts Commission meeting packets with a very brief reason for the extension as part of the public record.
  • In situations where a grant recipient requests a second extension, staff and a commissioner, if warranted, will reach out with support, which could include advice on additional resources, possible collaborations, and consultation on coordination and operation.
  • If a grantee requests a third extension, the grantee will be asked to attend the next Arts Commission meeting to discuss their progress and see if the Arts Commission and/or staff could offer additional advice or support, or whether some other action should be taken.

Failure to follow these procedures will jeopardize your eligibility to apply for future Boulder Arts Commission grant awards. If you have questions, contact information for staff is on the boulderarts.org website, or you may email culturegrants@bouldercolorado.gov.


Have questions? Want an appointment? Contact Lauren Click at clickl@bouldercolorado.gov.

Office address: Office of Arts + Culture, 1500 Pearl Street, #300, Boulder, CO, 80302

Photos in the top slider / All images depict Boulder Arts Commission grantees

  1. Motus Theater in Collaboration with Edica Pacha, UndocuAmerica Mural Project, Tania Chairez and her family in front of her mural
  2. BETC’s Touring Theatre Truck shares “Amelia’s Big Idea” at the Boulder JCC, Amelia (Brittany Mendoza-Pena) and her dog Gadget (Katie Jackson). Photo credit: Michael Ensminger
  3. 3rd Law Presents their Spring Season (For Example:) at the Dairy Arts Center. Photo credit: Heather Gray
  4. Artwork by Meghan Wilmesher following attendance at the Stained Glass Association of America SGAA 111th Annual Summer Conference in Toledo, Ohio
  5. Bluebird Music Festival at Macky Auditorium
  6. Boulder Opera, Gato Con Botas at Columbine Elementary School
  7. Belgin Yucelen attending Sculpture Workshop by Grzegorz Gwiazda in Mapstone and Vouzeron Studios, Vouzeron, France