Call for Residential Mural Sites

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Murals are recognized tools to convey the personality and pulse of a community. These artworks are quick to deploy, and with minimum upkeep, have potential for lasting impact. Creative Neighborhoods: Murals promotes a partnership between property owners and artists to create artworks visible from public paths and streets. Property owners and artists work together to finalize a site and design for a new artwork with up to $3,000 for an artist stipend. Homeowner applications are reviewed on a first-come first-served basis. In 2020, priority will be given to sites in East and Southeast Boulder, University Hill, and Gunbarrel.

Homeowner responsibilities:

  • Communication with neighborhood about planned mural project
  • Artist selection from City-approved mural artist roster
  • Mural site preparation (cleaning, scraping, priming, etc.)
  • Providing funding or materials for a protective clear coat after the artwork is completed
  • Maintenance of the artwork for at least 5 years (repairs, upkeep, etc.)

Open to all non-commercial property owners with an available exterior site in the City of Boulder regardless of race, color, creed, gender, gender variance, national origin, age, religion, marital status, political opinion or affiliation, or mental or physical handicap. The mural site must be visible from the public right-of-way. City of Boulder employees and their families need not apply.


Homeowner application deadline – July 15, 2020
Notification of selected homeowners – no later than August 1, 2020
Artist selection process – complete by mid-August
Mural installations – complete by mid-October