COVID-19 Work Projects: Southeast Boulder

Southeast Boulder is an area of established residential neighborhoods with boundaries defined by major city streets: Arapahoe Ave. to the north, 28th St. to the west, and Hwy 36 to the south.

Southeast Boulder projects are listed alphabetically by the artist’s last name:

Jill Katzenberg, Arts Educator
Working toward providing the community an opportunity to gather when physical distancing restrictions are lifted, Jill is creating an inviting and creative space for all-ages at Junkyard Social Club. Using found and recycled materials, the space will be designed with the goal of helping people reconnect and adjust to new social conditions.


Emmi Lindsey, Musician
Emmi is building a large-scale PVC ‘pipe piano’ for her neighborhood. The pipe piano will be installed in her front yard with a kid-friendly description on the board of how the instrument works. Neighbors are invited to bring their own wooden spoons, drum sticks, spatulas to use as mallets for improvising on the pipe piano.

Tyler Vinnola, Musician
“We Are Never Alone,” is a project Tyler developed in response to the isolating experience of physical distancing. As a vocalist, he is learning a new set of songs to perform for his neighborhood from his backyard. Neighbors in adjacent yards can sing along to familiar songs and make requests. Tyler also plans to record the concert so neighbors can share with their friends and loved ones online.