COVID-19 Work Projects: Gunbarrel

Surrounded by open space, Gunbarrel is a mix of residential neighborhoods and industrial land base located in the far northeast area of Boulder’s city limits with boundaries defined by Lookout Rd to the north, 75th St. to the east, Jay Rd to the south, and 63rd St. to the west.

Gunbarrel projects are listed alphabetically by the artist’s last name:

Kathleen Lanzoni, Visual Artist
As a muralist, when COVID-19 restrictions began, Kathleen took sidewalk chalk to her wooden fence to create a message of hope for the neighborhood. Passers-by commented on how much they appreciated her artwork so Kathleen will produce another large-scale mural for her neighbors to enjoy.

Nayasha James-Davis, Dancer
With the intention to provide an outlet for collective and positive expression, Nayasha is crowd-sourcing a choreography project. She will record and share a series of dance moves (ex. head roll right, slide left, kick ball change, etc.) on social media. Neighbors can vote on the order in which the move will appear in the dance. She’ll share a video of the final choreographed dance and encourage others to record and post their own as well.

Julia Williams, Visual Artist
In response to the eight o’clock howl, Julia (aka the Designosaur) is designing a mural of howling wolves in her signature brightly colored illustrative style. With the mural, Julia wants to immortalize the nightly act of collective appreciation for the COVID-19 frontline workers.

Max Wolpert, Musician
Max has taken note of the isolation particularly affecting musicians who are unable to rehearse with colleagues, jam with friends, or perform for an audience. To provide an opportunity to play together while physically apart, he is writing a book of fiddle tunes and online videos to facilitate remote collaborations.