Boulder Arts Online: Public Art

Below you can visit recent public art projects and learn about the artists who recently produced projects in our community!

Melanie Yazzie
Strength From Within

Boulder’s most recent public sculpture is located at 16th & Pearl St., as a vibrant addition to downtown’s East End. Melanie Yazzie is a printmaker, painter, sculptor and Professor of Printmaking at CU Boulder. Drawing on her rich Diné cultural heritage and looking for ways to connect to her community, Yazzie describes Strength From Within as, “finding a way to trust our instincts and know that we all have hope inside of us. It grows like a garden. We just need to care for it.”

Ethan Jackson

Atmo is a spectacular, monumental landscape projection on an inflatable screen, protruding from the Glen Huntington Bandshell in downtown Boulder. In tandem with an improvisational sound performance, the sound-responsive projection, created an experimental audio/visual experience for the evening audience.

Mary Mattingly
Everything At Once

Charred wood from a U.S. public school, a military trailer used in Afghanistan, an agricultural tank, plants, and light make a bridge for communication and a platform for contemplation. Everything At Once asks: can we process complex histories through the transformation of objects in order to collectively imagine other ways of being in the world?

Matthew Mazzota
Harm to Table

This project materialized abstract concepts around climate change conversations into a  physical, digestible experience. Translating research of the world’s top climate scientists, the mobile dining experience hosted a menu in which each item featured an ingredient anticipated to be extinct in the next 20-40 years due to climate change: ponderosa osha kombucha, wild sarsaparilla and sweet grass soup, and chocolate financiers with local bee pollen.

Markus Dorninger
Mapping Stories

This 2016 project provided an opportunity for the citizens of Boulder to contribute to a sense of place, spark conversation, and tell our shared stories by making public places come alive with colorful visual projections and sounds. Over the course of six days, live animations were projected against the facade of many of Boulder’s most iconic buildings, and accompanied by original dance and music from the community participants.

Ana Maria Hernando
Knitting Ballet

Knitting Ballet invites a sweet interruption to commuters’ routine. Developed in collaboration with Dance of the Heart, Hernando coordinated the performance along RTD routes in Boulder. Knitting Ballet was performed during high ridership commute times on two different routes during peak commute. Two dancers rode the bus route, got off at each stop to perform during the wait time, then boarded the next bus to continue along the route.