
“Knitting Ballet” by Ana Maria Hernando (video production: The Bridge Studio)

Experiments in Public Art hopes to introduce engaging but temporary public interventions to the citizens of Boulder. Unlike a traditional public art commission, Experiments in Public Art provides an opportunity to artists to work within unconventional parameters: outside of gallery walls and without the restraints of permanent commissions.

  • Do these artists represent a spectrum of approaches to experimentation, diverse perspectives, material, technique?
  • Do these artists demonstrate the ability to engage, surprise and enchant the viewer?
  • Do these artists contribute to local and global conversations?

A variety of artists were invited to submit idea concepts that addressed the above questions. Ten artists were selected.

The Big Picture:

Experiments in Public Art reflects many of the Community Cultural Plan Community Priorities:

  • Focus on the expression of culture and creativity in the public realm through public art, the urban landscape, culture in the neighborhoods, and serendipitous encounters with art.
  • Create a supportive environment for artists and creative professionals, while fostering innovative thinking and leadership among them.
  • Develop Boulder’s creative identity in becoming an innovative world leader in cultural matters and project that identity to the region and the world.
  • Prioritize the civic dialogue about the ability of culture to positively contribute to the economy, social offerings, the environment, and authentic expression of diversity.