Public Art Stewardship

There are nearly 300 public artworks throughout the city. Boulder’s public art can be found in parks, along bike paths and trails, within the public right-of-way, and in city-owned buildings. An important piece of the City of Boulder’s Public Art Program is maintenance of the public art collection. The Office of Arts + Culture performs general maintenance as well as conservation and restoration of work in the public art collection. General maintenance includes regular cleaning schedules and protective measures against normal wear, weather and vandalism. Members of the community can be a big help in alerting us of artwork that needs general maintenance attention! If you see artwork that is damaged or vandalized, email us at

As outlined in the Public Art Policy, “the City is committed to maintaining the financial value, safety, and effectiveness of [public art], and preserving the enduring value of the collection of public artworks for the community.” You can help us achieve this goal by becoming a public art steward! Email us at if you see public artwork that is vandalized or in need of repair.