GoGrants transition information

The grant application software that we have used since 2013, GoGrants by WESTAF, was phased out by their parent company on June 30, 2017. Our office will be moving to a new software in the fall but it is important to read the below information to help with the switch.

  • Our office has records of all applications and reports.
  • Any open reports and final 2017 applications will continue to be processed through our office directly via the website and email. Our Grants Administrator, Lauren Click, will email you when your report is due and send you the appropriate online form. Applications for open grants are available on our website on the grant pages.
  • We will offer training on the new software this fall. Join our newsletter for ongoing updates and information.

Feel free to contact Lauren Click at clickl@boulderlibrary.org or at 720-564-2355 should you have any questions. Thank you for your understanding during this transitional period.