2021 Arts Education Project Grants

Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company’s Welcoming “BETC Buffs”, credit Sandy Song

Si prefiere leer esta información en español, por favor haga clic aquí. Se puede responder a la solicitud en español. Un miembro del personal de la Oficina de Artes y Cultura traducirá sus respuestas para que sean revisadas.


The Arts Education Project Grant provides opportunities for children in the City of Boulder to have unique experiences with practicing artists, access to tools and techniques, or improved instruction in the creative professions.  The goal of the grant is to increase the exposure of students to unique and memorable experiences that may shape their future in cultural participation and creative careers.

In 2021, it is also important to the Boulder Arts Commission that the Cultural Grants Program is responsive to current pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are no questions directly related to the pandemic on the application. However, the Commission asks the community to apply with projects, emphasizing collaborations, that directly address those most impacted by the pandemic. The goal is an equitable distribution of resources throughout the community in a way that supports economic and social recovery.

How to Apply

  1. Review the below information.
  2. Log onto the Boulder Arts Commission online grant portal. If you have not logged on before, make a profile. Applications must be submitted using our online grant applications. We encourage you to watch this training video for instructions on registering and applying online.
  3. Complete the application by 11:59 p.m. on the day of the deadline.
  4. Look for an automated email message confirming receipt of your application.
  5. After the deadline, applications will be sent to the panel for scoring and comments. The panel consists of the five City Council-appointed Boulder Arts Commissioners and four members of the community.
  6. You will receive notification that the panel’s scores and comments on your application are available. Please review their scores and comments and prepare a one-page response for the panel.
  7. Before the Arts Commission meeting, the panel will rescore the applications. At the decision meeting, the members of the Boulder Arts Commission then deliberate to decide final approval of the applications which will receive a grant.
  8. When a grant is awarded, staff from the Office of Arts and Culture will contact the successful Applicant to complete any necessary paperwork.


Total Funds:  $30,000
Awards: Approximately 10 awards at $3,000 each
Details: The award amount of $3,000 is a maximum funding guideline. Smaller requests will be accepted.
Cycle:  Annual

DEADLINE TO SUBMIT APPLICATION: Monday, April 12 at 11:59 p.m.


  • Monday, April 12 at 11:59 p.m. – Deadline for applications
  • April 12 to April 19 – Review by staff for eligibility and revision by applicants if necessary
  • April 19 to May 3 – Preliminary review and score by panel (15 days)
  • May 3 to 7 – Score processing by staff
  • May 7 – Preliminary scores and comments sent to applicants via email
  • May 7 to 17 – Applicants prepare and send written responses to the panel’s questions. The written response should be emailed to Lauren Click at clickl@boulderlibrary.org by Monday, May 17, 2021 at 11:59pm.
  • May 17 to 21 – Response processing by staff
  • May 24 – Responses sent to panel
  • May 24 to June 7 – Final review and score by panel (14 days)
  • June 7 to 11 – Processing of final scores
  • June 11 – Final scores sent to applicants via email
  • June 16, 2021 – Arts Commission meeting. Discussion and final decisions on grants

Eligibility Criteria

  • General eligibility. Meets all general eligibility requirements.
  • Open to educators, administrators, and presenters. Classroom teachers and school administrators in public schools, private schools, home school associations, and non-traditional classroom settings, as well as artists / individuals / organizations collaborating with schools on programming are eligible.
  • Service area and programming. Projects must have a demonstrated benefit to school children in the City of Boulder.
  • Timing. Projects must take place after the grant deadline and end before the end of the 2022 spring semester.

Review process

  • Deliberation. Applications are reviewed by the Boulder Arts Commission grants panel. Final funding decisions are made at public Boulder Arts Commission meetings. See schedule.
  • Evaluation of applications. Funding in previous years does not imply continued support. Each application is reviewed anew in the context of current policies and applications. Applicants that have received repeated funding should be aware that the Boulder Arts Commission looks for indication of growth and a fresh approach to their work.
  • Evaluation criteria
    • Benefit to students (Maximum 8 points)
    • Complementing curriculum (Maximum 8 points)
    • Proposed outcomes and evaluation strategy (Maximum 8 points)
    • Community Priorities (Maximum 8 points)
    • Cultural equity (Maximum 8 points)
    • Boulder focus (Maximum 4 points)
    • Encouragement points (Maximum 4 points)
  • The complete scoring system and rubric for the Arts Education Project Grant can be found here.


Log onto the Boulder Arts Commission online grant portal to preview and apply. If you have not logged on before, make a profile. Applications must be submitted using our online grant applications. We encourage you to watch this training video for instructions on registering and applying online.

Appeals Process

Written Appeals Process. The deadline for a written appeal is 14 days after funding decisions has been made by the Boulder Arts Commission. The appeals process can be found here.


Preview the full report here.

Grant report forms are on the Boulder Arts Commission grants software. Log in with the same user name and password utilized to submit the application. After logging in, go to the ‘Dashboard’, then you’ll see a ‘Follow Up’ section for the grant. On the far right is the ‘Edit’ button. That will take you to complete the final report.

After you submit the report you’ll receive email confirmation and copy of the report via the email that you have included in the report. Contact Lauren Click at clickl@boulderlibrary.org or 720-564-2355 if you do not receive email confirmation.

More Information

General Eligibility Requirements
2021 Grant Application Schedule
2021 Scoring System
General Grant Guidelines & Process
Grant FAQs